An audio experience of feeling in 1964 Chicago in 2021 pandemics
If you are alone now and you miss live performances…
If you miss hot, smokey, crowded, smelling places…like me…
Join me.
In today´s experience, you are going to feel like is to be in a show again and I specific chose this performance of BB King in 1964 Chicago, because the amount of sounds and background noises is amazing to feel everything in the room… the band and every chat among that little firey crowd. You are going to hear the mic crack, people preaching in the betweens, the band working hard and Lucille working as the finnest of the finnest duet with the King. It´s 34:46 of pure emotion.
Bringing some background, just to understand how amazing this record is. Today´s album was recorded on November 21, 1964 at the Regal Theater in Chicago. The album is widely heralded as one of the greatest blues albums ever recorded, #5 on Rolling Stone´s Best Live Albuns of all time is #141 on Rolling Stone’s 500 Greatest Albums of All Time.[6] In 2005, Live at the Regal was selected for permanent preservation in the National Recording Registry at the Library of Congress in the United States.
Choose from your music player:
“Everyday I Have The Blues” Live at the Regal Theater, Chigago, 1964.
Put your best wireless headphone
From now on, you are not going to hear BB King sing, you are going to hear him tell you a story, with a unique emotion attached behind every line and tune.
Actually he is going to ask you that, in the start of the song
#4 — How blue can you get
“Pay attention to the lyrics, not so much to my sing or the band…” B.B. king
After you press play
You are going to feel the warmth of the room, full of people, chanting, panting, sweating, answering sentences of some songs and of course dancing.
You can see BB King very confortable in a very small and low stage
You get a seat (or not, help yourself)
It´s hot.
It´s swing.
You feel welcome, even without knowing anybody in the room
You see smiles, happiness…people just hanging around and having the best of the fun.
You can hear the clinking tinkling of ices in whiskies glasses
No more to say, just listen to the show with your eyes closed or in a quietly and dark room. Get something to drink, something to smoke.
Please forget your phone.
Enjoy yourself.
Please, let me know how this experience was for you. Where were you, what did you feel.