Crypto Industry Has a Problem. Trust.
Trust is essential in any financial system. It is what keeps everything moving. Think about next month and the payments you need to settle — banks rely, fundamentally, on the future to exist. Besides the fact that our money is quite digital these days, you often forget that, in reality, a bank is an institution you trust to keep your money safe. Among hundreds, maybe thousands of banks, you pick one, open an account, and make a deposit.
When you choose your bank, why do you make that choice? Why bank A and not bank B? Essentially, this question can have innumerable answers, but conceptually, there is only one: Who do you trust to keep your money safe?
The crypto industry has seen the rampant rise of so-called “gurus” like Mr. SBF (Sam Bankman-Fried), who fooled around with the money of celebrities like Tom Brady and Stephen Curry. How, on earth, did these highly educated individuals fall for someone like him? But this has an explanation. Throughout history, millions of people have been scammed by others for the simple reason that they trusted them.
This model is proven to be broken. Corrupt individuals can ruin the lives of millions, but it’s not just the corrupt — it’s also the incompetent. This means I not only need to ensure that the person in charge of managing my money is reliable and trustworthy but also not foolish enough to poorly manage a company, which could go wrong and cause me to lose funds without me having anything to do with it.
Trust no one.
My mission is to create a way for anyone who wants to be self-sovereign and own crypto to have access to a secure method of buying and storing it, without the need to trust someone I don’t know or a company I’m unfamiliar with or even technical knowledge.