Skiucoin: Bridging Venture Capital and Talented Professionals

A digital currency for experts professionals

Alexandre Azeredo
8 min readJul 28, 2021

Accepting white paper intervention, from investors, untill launching. Under approval of the Skiuhub board.

The Market:

As seen on the daily market, after the experience of the pandemics, we a incresing number of people quitting their jobs in order to search for something, not better, but more fullfilling in terms of interest.

We can notice that the companies still design work for humans as robots to be ready to create and get some task done, but at the same time we see people looking for retraining themselves and repurpose thei career.

Companies need to change their mindset to see the worker as a cost to minimize, to see the people as a driver to profitability and productivity.

The CEOs are still employees, but they see themselves as foremans with a leash.

The project:

Skiucoin is a project that drives innovation, throughout people´s development. Using tokenized assets on chosen-by-committe creative professionals that have intellectual property on their business model. Skiucoin creates a valuation on a single professional that needs help to grown its career.

Skiuhub plan, execute and invest in career development of this professional in exchange for comission.

Skiucoin is a Skiuhub project.

Skiucoin is a tokenized asset from Skiuhub, that is going to represent their future use.

The Professional:

Who deserves a shot. We live in very competitive world with more then 7 billion people, but that are millions that are really trying, using all their efforts to thrive but don´t have the means to achieve great results. Academic realization is no longer a milestone to understand a great professional in a specific skill.

The professional, under the investment of the Skiucoin fund, is a organized person, very skilled in a specific matter that nobodys in the world can match. Is the one who wants to achieve greater things and go beyond obvious. Is driven by doing, by creating, by learning and applying, and above all, want to be the best of the world.

We already have on our portfolio, a photographer which is going to make a porn food NFT´s drop. We are talking about a very dedicated and focused professional which we believe can be one of the best food photographer in whole world. Follow the prospect here (@peixoto.fotografo instagram)

We have Leandro Mahasia, which is amazing dog trainer, that helps people to understand the dogs behavior and deal which thier personality. He believes and coaches about natural feeding for dogs and being a biologist he does have all the requirements to be a remarkable trainer. Follow the prospect here (@adestramentocaotreinado instagram)

The investor/ The committe:

Who believes that are amazing people with amazing skills and stories, all around the world. Who believes these people are just looking for a opportunity, just like you, us, me, and everybody.

Is willing to buy coins as bond, on the future gains of all professionals. Amount to be discuss and approve to Skiuhub board. Is going to be part of the decision committe. Make profit on the ICO.

Is willing to buy coins as bond, on the future gains of a specific professional. Amount to be discuss and approve to Skiuhub board. Do not hold position on the committe. Make profit on the unique asset valorization.

The Skiuhub Board of directors:

Is the project manager. That is going to drive sprints and manage budget, assets, technology, investments and new business models.

The team is going to publish in a private network all data that must be oversee.

All the finance balance is going to be private among investors, with 100% access.

The business model:

The investor buy a pack of coins that is going to represent a investment in a specific professional or in the whole project.

Once you buy a pack of coins, you have the voting right in order to choose the professional that Skiuhub is going to prepare and making him a star. You have the voting rights to choose future decision of future products/services that the professional is going to execute and sell.

Administration fee of the Skiucoin is 35%.

Board of Directors

A board of directors is the group of people responsible for the strategic management . The members will run the business activities of the organization and oversee office staff that handle the day-to-day duties. The board operates by following the corporation’s bylaws, a set of rules that governs how the organization must pursue its mission and activities.

Chairman of the Board/President

In his chairman’s role, the board member runs board meetings, appoints committees and performs other duties as directed by the bylaws. As president, this individual represents the organization in public by giving speeches, writing articles and attending functions on behalf of the organization.

Alexandre Azeredo.

Vice Chair/Vice President

Serving directly under the chair is the vice chair or vice president. This person is often next in line to become the chair and serves as the board’s leader when the chair is not present, such as during official board meetings.

Open position


The secretary of a board takes notes, called minutes, at board meetings, then submits those minutes for amendment or approval by the board. The secretary keeps its records and its non-financial legal documents, including its bylaws, articles of incorporation and minutes of historical meetings.

Open position


The treasurer of a board keeps the organization’s financial records, unless the organization has a professional accountant or business manager. In that case, the treasurer keeps copies of the main financial records, signs checks the business manager or accountant writes, approves purchases and invoices and otherwise oversees and keeps an eye on the organization’s finances. The treasurer also prepares and delivers a treasurer’s report at each of the board’s official meetings and approves the organization’s annual tax filing. Many smaller organizations combine the secretary and treasurer positions, giving this position the title of secretary/treasurer.

Open position

Board Members

Board members who do not have one of the previously discussed roles often volunteer to head committees such as a marketing or website committee. These board members attend meetings, receive updates and vote on board matters. They have the right to make motions, discuss them and vote on them. These positions come with a chairperson title, such as a marketing committee chair. After serving as a board member, these individuals might ascend to the secretary, treasurer, vice chair and eventually chairman of the board positions. Some board members represent specific geographic areas, often when the organization is a nonprofit with members. For example, a board might have northern, southern, eastern and western districts, with a board member required to reside within the boundaries of her district.

Open positions


Raising money for people and not companies

The objetive of this project is to change the straight relation between investing and companies. In order to make a change in this perspective, we need to change the way money is invested.

As the world keeps turning, everything is changing and make a move towards to problem is something seen as a crazy thing to do, of course, to clash the status quo is something that need to be done in group

Planning to Retire with the gains from your skiucoin upper price after achieving your career plans

Since millenials ans Z´s as often seen as a losers in the game of life, we need to reinvent the way money is put on the game of Venture investing.

Most of the employees of this generation, don´t see themselves retiring and enjoying life without the routine of waking up, commuting, getting tasks done and go back home to have dinner and sleep.

With Skiucoin we can track the evolution of the employee and of course, be reward with a higher price on the asset on this particular person.

In other words, this way, compnies are investing in people and in their sucess, with is 100% related to a great job done.

Besides the fact that the responsability to grow is within the professional, investors can track their investiment with the day by day activities, providing a way to professional invest money in their projects without thinking as a company, but aiming the sucess.

DAO Skiuhub community — The power to choose and selected who is going to be invested

DAOs started with Bitcoin and developed since then. Today, we see different types of DAOs in the blockchain space. From people to come together to govern a layer one protocol, to Decentralized Application (dApp), to tokenized investment funds. In general, DAOs are stateless, open and not controlled by any single entity. The centre of DAOs are smart contract which control the funds of the organization. When it comes to DAO governance, you can differentiate between two main types, Off-Chain and On-Chain governance.

On-Chain Governance

As the name indicates, the voting process of on-chain governance takes place on the blockchain, using some form of governance tokens.
Hereby, three different types are common.

1. Company Model
One governance token represents one vote. These tokens can be transferred and traded on open market.
2. Membership Model
Each member of an organization gets assigned only one vote via a membership token. These tokens are non-transferable and in most cases even revocable.
3. Reputation model
This system can be seen as a mix of the company and membership model. One reputation token represents one vote, like a company token. However, reputation tokens are not transferable, like membership tokens.

Governance tokens find application in modern layer 1 blockchain protocols, like Tezos, Cosmos and Polkadot. Further, blockchains built using the Pariy’s Substrate Framework facilitate on-chain voting. On-chain voting brings various advantages for layer 1 protocols since it significantly reduce the possibility of hard-forks and allow for faster turnaround time to implement changes. Further, governance tokens are extremely popular for Dapps, especially in decentralized finance (DeFi). One of the earliest examples is MKR, the governance token of the Maker DAO, which allows holders to vote on decisions on the protocol the stable coin DAI runs on. Today, most of the DeFi protocol have their governance tokens like COMP or AAVE, of the lending platforms Compound and Aave, or Automated Market Makers, Balancer (BAL) and Uniswap (UNI).
Governance tokens do not only find a utility in allowing voting rights on proposals. They prove as a very effective marketing tool to attract users to actively use DeFi protocol. A great example is, how Sushiswap, a Uniswap clone, attracted over $1b of liquidity by introducing their $SUSHI governance token as a reward for users providing liquidity. Much of this liquidity came from Uniswap and went back to Uniswap after their launch of their own governance token $UNI.

Creating Skiucoin

Using the HRC20 protocol we are going to create a coin that is going to be distributed among the investors and Skiucoin is going to administrate the wealth fund in order to invest in the career of the chosen professionals. The fund can be use to buy products and services that make their jobs easier and better.

Every investment in each professional is going to be display in a public display, making every professional a public asset of the Skiucoin fund.

Creating Trading cards of Skiuhub professionals

Using the NFT (Non-Fungible Tokens) we are going to create to every professional a online presence on the digital world and in the crypto world. Every activity can be a NFT product, besides the fact that they need support to show themselves to the world and Skiucoin is going to be the link to a new way to thing yourself as a asset on the market.



Alexandre Azeredo
Alexandre Azeredo

Written by Alexandre Azeredo

Welcome to my lab. Here I think out loud about Business and Blockchain Economy.

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