Weekend Edition of rebel thoughts.
I tend to do this… I like an instagram post and after I check who posts it…I often comes back and dislike… Does it happen to you as well?
I don’t know what your reasons are, but I am talking about politics today, alright?
I hate liking political figures’ posts. Even if I think they are fking right. I tend to feel like this…you know?
The reason is… I dislike all of them so much.
My career as a political person was very short. Born and raised 30 something Brazilian, I followed closer, the whole mess and war that broke the nation in two sides for the last 10 years. The left wing party PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores) and Lula at one side and the Bolsonaro and his political-party-of-the-moment side.
Im my brazilian head with thoughts, what comes to an end for this issue is that every each of this politicians are just fighting for their own positions, and nobody wants to solve shit. They just want to keep their position and count on your vote to keep there “fighting the fight”. And so everyone is “fighting the fight” and nobody sits and talks to come to an agreement.
Political figures are jokers with the mask the suits at the moment.
So…I am done with that political shit…
-OH! You can’t let your civic duty aside!
Civic duty my ass. I owe shit for being born in my fckd up country. I want my own economy and ways to make a living, free from any chains or barriers that can limit me from doing anything that I want to do. Freedom apart, my wishes are very humble, at least that’s what I judge of myself right? We are not going there today by the way…
What I want to make it clear, is it with blockchain economy, you are free from any barriers and even rules that you realize as an unbreakable moral code, does not apply there.
We just come from a moment in life where we can be literally free.
Political figures do not apply in the Blockchain Economy, they are old and they simply don’t get it…
But talking about me today…
I am disgust for all of them and their smiley photoshoped face at the campaign period.
I could careless for any form of power and control. I make my own rules.
Be rebel and thrive. And I keep not liking political figures’ posts.
Alexandre Azeredo